1/ Connect to the Wifi network : UCA_Invites

At first, connect to the Wifi network named UCA_Invites.


2/ Access to the autoregistration web page

Open a web browser and access to a website (for example http://www.uca.fr). You should be redirected to the following web page : https://clearpass.dsi.uca.fr/guest/register.php?_browser=1


Notice : on smartphone, this web page should automatically pop up.


3/ Create an account

Fill your last name, first name and a correct email address. This email address is used to send you your password.

You can add your phone number, you will receive the password by SMS too. This field is not mandatory.

Read the terms of use (French language only) and accept them.

Then, click on the button Inscrivez-vous  to valid the creation.

4/ Get your password

A web page displays your details : first name, last name, email address, activation date and expiration date.

Connect to your mailbox to get your password.

Click on the Connexion button.

Notice : your account is activated for 48h.

5/ Login

Fill your email address, password and accept the terms of use. Finally, click on the button Ouverture de session to connect to the Wifi network.

You will be redirected to the following web page : http://www.uca.fr/:

Now, you are connected to the guest Wifi network of the Clermont Auvergne University !