I am an international student. How to apply?

Additional information

See this Q&A for more details: [Inscriptions / Réinscriptions] - Procédure de candidature/préinscription

I am an international student. Does the UCA apply special rates ?

Informations pour le Hotlineur
Prix des inscriptions en fonctions des composantes : https://www.uca.fr/international/venir-a-l-uca/je-suis-etudiant/etudiants-extra-communautaires-droits-dinscription 

par exemple, les frais d'inscriptions pour une année de licence sont de 170e et de 243e pour une année de master.

I am waiting for my visa application and I will not be able to be here on the first day of class. What should I do ?

Information for the Hotliner

Students admitted by "Études en France (EeF/DAP)" are automatically given an admission letter from their University or School.

This email contains the deadline for the student's arrival in France. It corresponds very often to the starting date of the tutorials and so the continuous assesment, and can be different for each department.

The deadline allows the students who are waiting for a visa to miss the first day of class without any prejudice.

Foreign students that are not already registered via the registration platform, will complete their application file after their arrival in France. They can also do it before their arrival, from their home country to give a physical version to their schooling service.

For any additional information they need to contact their schooling services directly.

I have been accepted via CampusFrance, how to register ?

Information for the Hotliner

Students admitted by "Études en France" (EeF/DAP) automatically receive an admission letter from their institution or school.

This mail contains the useful information regarding the students' registration.

The registration process may differ between the institutions or schools (online, paper files, remotely or face-to-face) and rarely goes by the registration platform.

See this Q&A: [Etudiants] - Etudiants étrangers

I have just arrived at the UCA for my studies. To whom can I talk to obtain some information about student life (housing, restaurants, residence permit, health services...) ?


The Social Welfare membership is not mandatory but highly recommended. Thus you can inform the student.

The European students are covered by their European Social Welfare card.

For the international students outside the EEC,they have to subscribe to a dedicated platform set by the "CPAM (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie)": https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr/

Here is a summarizing tutorial of procedures to set up: Mémo Sécurité Sociale pour les étudiants étrangers Hors UE

To obtain this kind of information, we invite you to visit the CROUS Clermont Auvergne website : https://usine.crous-clermont.fr/.